Rib Animation

I teamed up with Dreamworks animator Marty Havran to create the first ever three-dimensional animation that exhibits all the muscles, bones, and organs of respiration. You can appreciate the uniqueness of the rhythm of our breathing coordination. From a professional standpoint, this film benefits healthcare professionals, actors, voice and singing teachers, yoga instructors, athletes, and physical therapists. For the layperson, the animation helps correct the many misconceptions people have about their breathing. The breath is potent fuel that can address problems caused by faulty breathing and restore vitality to life.

Preview of film (music only)

Purchase the full Rib Animation DVD by emailing Jessica at jessicawolf170@gmail.com

The Rib Animation film is now in SPANISH, GERMAN, and CHINESE!

To order any of the following versions of the film, email Jessica at jessicawolf170@gmail.com


Preview of film in Spanish

RESPIRAR ES IGUAL DE FUNDAMENTAL PARA LA VIDA COMO LOS PULSOS DE NUESTRO CORAZÓN. La primera animación en tres dimensiones que exhibe los músculos, huesos, y órganos vitales del sistema respiratorio ya esta disponible en español. El DVD incluye dos versiones de la animaciónel primero está subtitulado con una detallada narración en español; y el segundo DVD presenta una versiónmusical, que omite la narración, para que su instructor pueda remodelarlo a su gusto. El libro de la colección de artículos también está disponible para acompañar a la película.


Preview of film in Chinese

「艺术的呼吸: 肋骨动画 DVD」

呼吸如同心跳,是生命的基础。首部展示呼吸系统中肌肉丶 骨骼和内脏的3D动画视频,现已有中文版。包含两个版本:一为背景音乐搭配中文旁白版,另一为纯背景音乐版,让您上课时可使用自己的评论。另有一本收集呼吸相关文章的选集可与动画视频作为搭配指南。「肋骨动画 DVD」 的评价


Preview of film in German

To order the film in Spanish, Chinese, or German, email Jessica at jessicawolf170@gmail.com


There is nothing currently available to match this visual description of breathing and it is with a touch of pride I will admit that an Alexander technique teacher has gone to the trouble of making it possible. If every anatomical teaching module within educational institutions around the world don’t purchase this beautiful work for their students, they’d be mad. If you teach breathing or would like to know the inside workings of natural breathing, you simply must get your own copy.

—Paul Cook, Teacher of the Alexander Technique in Melbourne, Australia, and Editor and Publisher of Direction Journal

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a video animation must be worth 1,000,000. I am a teacher of both singing and the Alexander Technique (The Art & Science of Singing in NYC), so I came to this video with a pretty extensive knowledge of breathing anatomy and functioning. Even so, watching Jessica Wolf’s captivating animation cleared up some remaining misconceptions in my thinking about breathing. Repeated viewings have gradually transformed my breathing, making it both more efficient and easeful. I am grateful for this simple and entertaining way to improve a body function that is so important for my singing and everything I do. Every student I have shown this video to has sat rapt, often with mouth agape, as they realize how inaccurately they had been conceiving their breathing mechanism. It has made my job of educating my students so easy–and I appreciate every opportunity to re-view the video along with them!

—Michael Hanko, Alexander Technique and Voice Teacher in New York, NY

The Art of Breathing provides an intimate, fascinating look at the breathing mechanism by gradually layering the organs and muscles of respiration so that we can understand the role of each component from the main player, the diaphragm, to the lungs and supporting musculature. How complex and amazing is the production of one exhale and inhale! Whether a physical therapist or teacher of the Alexander Technique, student of science, medicine, vocal music, acting, horseback riding, or dance, this masterful 9 minute DVD offers a compelling, accurate view of the breathing mechanism. I dare you to watch this video without noticing an expansion of your ribs, an opening of the breath, and a full body response of lengthening and widening. Highly recommended to anyone wishing to enhance their practical and anatomical understanding of the breathing mechanism.

—Idelle Packer, Licensed Physical Therapist and Teacher of the Alexander Technique in Asheville, North Carolina

This DVD is the most elegant, clear and accurate visualization of breath movement I have ever seen. It is everything I have ever imagined as a valuable teaching tool. Ms. Wolf’s descriptions are accurate and approachable and beautifully enhanced by Mr. Havran’s detailed and amazing animation. Don’t pass on this resource if you teach musicians, athletes, actors or speakers.—Cynthia McGladrey, Adjunct Professor of Voice and Licensed Andover Educator at George Fox University in Salem, OregonI am a layperson, so can’t speak as eloquently as the those in the profession who have already weighed in on the rib animation video. However, from my perspective, I can say that I found this product mesmerizing – in it’s visual elegance and in the quiet, information-packed presentation. The images appeared gracefully, one after the other, illustrating the beauty and complexity of the basic human function of breathing. It was almost healing to watch. When the video ended, I felt transported.

—Joan Avedisian, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in New York, NY